Independent Study
Students who are interested in developing their knowledge of a Comparative Literature topic that is not included in the Program's regularly scheduled courses may wish to pursue an independent study (Comparative Literature 199).
Upper-division standing; completion of two upper-division courses in Comparative Literature. Minimum 3.0 grade-point average for the preceding three quarters.
Students are limited to a maximum of 5 units per quarter and 30 units total in all 98/99/198/199/199RA courses combined.
Comparative Literature 199 may be repeated for credit to a maximum of 30 units, but only 12 units may be applied toward the major.
It is up to you, as the student, to approach the professor of your choice to request permission to take an independent study with that professor. Once you and the professor have agreed upon the topic of study, fill out the application found in the Downloads Box below, sign it, and have the professor approve and sign it. Then take the form to the Undergraduate Advisor, who will get the Chair’s signature and issue an approval code for you to enroll in the course.
Once enrolled, you will meet regularly with your professor at times designated. At the end of the quarter, upon submission of your completed independent studies project, your grade will be assigned.
Comparative Literature Independent Studies Application (C LIT 199)