Mona Damluji is Assistant Professor of Film & Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her teaching, research and creative work engages underrepresented media histories and cultural studies of oil, urban space and infrastructure with a focus on the Middle East and its diasporas. Supported by an NEH faculty fellowship, Mona’s current book project, Pipeline Cinema, is a history of how multinational petroleum companies have shaped local cultural norms and global popular imaginaries of oil in Iran and Iraq through film and media sponsorship in the twentieth century. Her publications appear in Urban History, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, International Journal of Islamic Architecture, Subterranean Estates: the Life Worlds of Oil and Gas, Ars Orientalis, MEI Insights and Jadaliyya. Mona is a co-convener of the IHC Research Focus Group on Re-centering Energy Justice at UCSB. Mona is a Peabody and Emmy Award-nominated producer of the short documentary series The Secret Life of Muslims. She is a co-curator of the traveling exhibition Arab Comics: 90 Years of Popular Visual Culture and Multitudes: An Art Exhibit after #muslimban. She is the author of the children’s book Together (7 Stories Press).