Cynthia Skenazi

French and Italian


Research interests:  Renaissance literature and culture, Belgian literature in French, aging studies, and rhetoric. Professor Cynthia Skenazi is the author of Marie Gevers et la nature (Brussels: Palais des Académies, 1983); Maurice Scève et la pensée chrétienne (Geneva:  Droz, 1992); Le Poète architecte en France.  Constructions d’un imaginaire monarchique (Paris: Champion- Classiques Garnier, 2003).  Her book Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance:  Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne  (Leiden:  Brill, 2013; 2nd edition online open access, OAPEN, 2014) was named an Outstanding Academic Title for 2014 by Choice Magazine.

She is the editor of Marie Gevers. Correspondance 1917-1974 (Brussels: Labor,1986).