Prof. Ghosh works and teaches on Global studies, postcolonial theory and media studies, gender/sexuality studies. Her first monograph, When Borne Across: Literary Cosmopolitics in the Contemporary Indian Novel (2004), addressed the dialectical relations between emerging global markets and literatures reflexively marked as “postcolonial,” while her second, Global Icons: Apertures to the Popular (2011), turned to visual popular culture as it constitutes the global. She is currently working on a book on the spectral life of the postcolonial in contemporary cinemas, The Unhomely Sense: The Spectral Cinema of Globalization. With Brinda Bose, she coedited Interventions: Feminist Dialogues on Third World Women's Literature and Film (1997); and with Bhaskar Sarkar: The Routledge Companion to Media and Risk (2019).