Our Comparative Literature doctoral program is now a participant in the Graduate Emphasis in Cognitive Science.
The core requirements (updated Fall 2020) are:
Participation in the 4-unit Cognitive Science Seminar (INT 200) for one quarter. Typically, this course is offered in the Fall quarters. (Students are encouraged to participate in this seminar throughout their graduate careers.)
Completion of at least four cognitive science elective courses. At least three of the four courses must be from outside of the student's home department, and at least one must be from outside of the student's home Division. (Generally, these are courses with cognitive science content that are taught by participating faculty. A list of approved courses for each quarter is provided here, and a list of regularly offered approved courses is provided here.) Further courses can be proposed at any time and will be subject to approval by the Cognitive Science Steering Committee. A student may petition the committee for one course taken at another university to be counted as an elective towards the course requirements.
Completion of a research project, completed before the dissertation, resulting in a written paper suitable for publication. The paper must be prepared under the supervision of a participating faculty member.
Presentation of a talk on the student's dissertation topic area in the Cognitive Science Seminar (INT 200), at the Cognitive Science symposium, or at a professional meeting. This requirement can be completed anytime after the student has advanced to candidacy.
A Ph.D. dissertation centrally focused on a question emerging from cognitive science, with at least two committee members representing faculty affiliated with the Cognitive Science Interdisciplinary Emphasis. A list of currently affiliated faculty members is provided here
Note that in addition to the Emphasis requirements, students must satisfy all requirements in their home departments. Work completed in satisfaction of departmental Ph.D. requirements may also be used to satisfy Emphasis requirements.
Upon completion of all requirements, please contact the current graduate program manager and program chair with this completed form: Cognitive Science Official Completion form
Please check the official department website for all requirements: Cognitive Science at UCSB