(Ph.D., El Colegio de Mexico)
Specialization in Mexican and Spanish American Literature. Author of Un giro en espiral. El proyecto literario de Juan José Arreola (1992); editor and coauthor of Y diversa de mí mísma entre vuestras plumas ando. Homenaje internacional a Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (El Colegio de México, 1993); editor and co-author of Sor Juana y su mundo. Una mirada actual (1995); editor and co-author of El cuento mexicano. Homenaje a Luis Leal (1996); author of Los guardaditos de Sor Juana (1999); editor and coauthor of En gustos se comen géneros. Congreso Internacional Comida y Literatura (3 vols.; 2003); coeditor and coauthor of Cien años de lealtad. En honor a Luis Leal/ One Hundred Years of Loyalty. In Honor of Luis Leal (2007); editor and coauthor of Realidades y Fantasías. Realities and Fantasies. Ninth Colloquium on Mexican Literature. In Memoriam Tim McGovern (1965-2006) (2009). She has written over one hundred publications, including books, book chapters and papers. Her articles on Juan José Arreola, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo, Jaime Torres Bodet, Josefina Vicens, Carlos Fuentes, Elena Poniatowska, Sergio Pitol, José Emilio Pacheco, and Ignacio Solares, among others, have been published in academic and general-interest journals. She works above all on women writers, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Mexican Culture, and Theater (XVII and XVIII century), and on contemporary romance and short stories (XXI Century Literature). For her studies on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, she was awarded the “Woman of the Year” (1997) distinction by the Mexican-American Opportunity Foundation (Los Angeles, California). She received the Literary Medal “Antonio Mediz Bolio” (Mérida, Yucatán, 2000) and the State Parliament Medal “Héctor Victoria Aguilar” (Mérida, Yucatán, 2008). In 2001, she was a member of the jury for the Juan Rulfo Latin-American and Caribbean Prize, awarded to the Mexican writer Juan García Ponce (Guadalajara International Book Fair). She is co-founder of the UC-Mexicanistas Association, an Intercampus Research Program of the University of California System, and one hundred percent Mexicanist and Mexican in California.